For over 15 years there have been Orange Student Societies at Ulster’s universities. Starting with Queen’s in 2007 and then Ulster University in 2010, they have maintained a strong Orange voice on campus.
They have had three main aims:
- To Educate: Hosting engaging events which focus on various aspects of our history and culture, including the Protestant Reformation, Glorious Revolution, formation of the Orange Institutions and the sacrifice of our community during the ‘Troubles’.
- To Network: Many strong friendships have been fostered and it has proved a great place to meet new people and to expand networks and connections, especially through our social events. To put it in simple terms, the Orange Society provides the vehicle in which to keep our community together, just as the Orange Institutions do at large.
- To be a Voice: Not only have we sought to defend our principles, but we also aim to be a proactive and positive presence on campus by trying to raise awareness amongst the student population of our heritage and to stand up for student’s from our community.
For more information, or if you wish to join, get in touch! Search online for “Orange Student Society” or contact Orange HQ “Schomberg House” on 028 9070 1122 or .